Thursday 30 August 2012

Smile and laughter :D

Smile and laugher are most probably the best medicine in the world. 

I believe there will be obstacles in everyone's life. 

There will be time we are sad, disappointed or sometimes mad.  

Sometimes we think we have to pretend to  smile and laugh due to some problem in life, but i believe lastly we will going to be happy after our "fake" smile and laughter.  

When people give me a sincere smile  whenever i am upset, my mood will definitely become better. 

When i am happy, i become happier when i joke aand laugh around.

That why i love ''smiles' and 'laughter'. 

Hehe (real smile) :)))

Haha (real laughter) :PPP

Don't worry, i am normal.

P/S: Remember to smile and laugh today! Aja Aja!